Graph drawings in TikZ.

May 14, 2010

Tutte’s Graph

Filed under: Graphs — fbc @ 22:41
Tags: , , , , ,

On the occasion of the 93 anniversary of the birth of William Tutte, we present a drawing of Tutte’s graph.

Tutte's Graph


The pdf file.

As in our previous example, we used the shadows library from TikZ.


Now, the code that generates the drawing.

 vertex_style/.style ={circle,shading=ball,ball color=red,draw=red!40!white,drop shadow={opacity=0.4}},
 edge_style/.style={ultra thick, black},rotate=-30]

 \useasboundingbox (-14.2,-10.5) rectangle (14.3,16.2);

 \draw[edge_style] (0,0) -- (4.3431,0);
 \draw[edge_style] (0,0) -- (-2.1715,3.7612);
 \draw[edge_style] (0,0) -- (-2.1715,-3.7612);

 \draw[edge_style] (10,-5.6568) -- (-0.1010,-11.4886);

 \draw[edge_style] (-9.8989,5.8318) -- (-9.8989,-5.8318);

 \draw[edge_style] (10,5.6568) -- (-0.1010,11.4886);

 \node[vertex_style] at (0,0) {};
 % absolute positions

 \foreach \n/\x/\y in \nodepos{ \coordinate (\n) at (\x,\y);}

 \draw[edge_style] (0)
 \foreach \x in {1,...,14}{ --(\x)} -- cycle;

 \foreach \x/\y in {0/11,1/4,2/10,5/14,7/13,9/12}{
 \draw[edge_style] (\x) -- (\y);

 \foreach \x in {0,1,...,14}{
 \node[vertex_style] at (\x){};

 \foreach \n/\x/\y in \nodepos{ \coordinate (\n) at (\x,\y);}

 \draw[edge_style] (0)
 \foreach \x in {1,...,14}{ --(\x)} -- cycle;

 \foreach \x/\y in {0/11,1/4,2/10,5/14,7/13,9/12}{
 \draw[edge_style] (\x) -- (\y);

 \foreach \x in {0,1,...,14}{
 \node[vertex_style] at (\x){};

 \foreach \n/\x/\y in \nodepos{ \coordinate (\n) at (\x,\y);}

 \draw[edge_style] (0)
 \foreach \x in {1,...,14}{ --(\x)} -- cycle;

 \foreach \x/\y in {0/11,1/4,2/10,5/14,7/13,9/12}{
 \draw[edge_style] (\x) -- (\y);

 \foreach \x in {0,1,...,14}{
 \node[vertex_style] at (\x){};


Until next time!

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